The latest trend on cartoon characters from Marvel Comics has produced a lot of movies.  But Jesus also met a Marvel Character in Matthew 8. Background of character:  Roman Commander,…

The enemy of our soul is very crafty and subtle. He is after our faith. Here is an example in scripture. God delivers His people from Egypt just as He…

I read a wonderful book on Psalm 23, the man was a shepherd of sheep. His description of caring for sheep and this verse has always stayed with me. In…

Healing WORDS of God Get well. Stay well. Pray for others’ wellness. These are scriptures and teachings that I have been using recently, to keep my Spirit uplifted and growing….

Scripture says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17 If you never hear teaching or preaching on healing, then faith to be healed will…

Do you remember when you were just a child? Do you remember when you wanted that cookie, or perhaps that candy bar? The only problem was, your mom told you…don’t…

Workings of an Orchestra Leader 1. There are a lot of moving parts that all sound different. 2. Even the parts that look alike sound different in the hands of…

One of my favorite things to do is to crawl up on my bed with my Bible, Strong’s Concordance, pencil and paper and say, “Okay, Lord what do you relly…

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