“From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth…”
— KJV Ephesians 4:16
Marriage Matters
Healthy marriage is work, but the rewards last a lifetime. Come get a tune-up.
Children's Ministry
Father’s House Church is blessed to have dedicated teachers who create an atmosphere where every child is welcomed and wanted, and who purposefully impart the Word of God on each child’s level of understanding. Nursery, Toddlers, Preschool, and Elementary classes are during Sunday service only.
Ladies Ministry
Our purpose is to build a team of women who pray together, plan together and embrace the vision of walking in love, walking in faith and being led by the Spirit of God.
Helpful Information
* Trust Information – If you live in California and have assets over $100,000 combined, you need a TRUST. Average cost is between $1,500 – $2000 to create one, but IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE…
12 Baskets
This ministry is offered free to anyone. Fresh produce, please bring your own bags. Each week there are different items available.
We have listed many resources to help you life and if you are in a bind in certain areas, maybe these links and locations can help you.
Your Voice Your Vote
Here are some helpful resources for you to prayerfully consider who and what to vote for….your voice matters! If you find sites, that are helpful, please let us know.
Everyone has a gift that is useful to the Kingdom of God.
We have places here to learn and get involved with and to help you grow in Christ and be productive.