Ladies Ministry

Our purpose is to build a team of women who will pray together, plan together and embrace the vision of walking in love, walking in faith and being led by the Spirit of God.

In life we face challenges, hurts and unexpected events. As women in Faith, we will learn to grow together, give other women Holy Spirit driven tools to help them build healthy relationships and overcome life altering events.

We are encouraged to keep our eyes on the eternal perspective and to live Holy and Godly lives. Peter in the Bible acknowledged that we shouldn’t be surprised by some of our sufferings, as it is part of the believers calling to share in Christ’s suffering. However, we all have the light, and we need to fill ourselves with fresh oil.  Oil is a type of anointing. We will navigate together regarding Biblical topics and curriculum. We integrate different events so we can strengthen, encourage and enjoy each other’s gifting.

We identify with David’s heart when he wrote, “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that I will seek after; that we may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.” Women of God are encouraged to experience the  joys of fellowship and with this relationship with one another to reveal God in each other’s lives and to encourage spiritual growth.

We must be ever mindful to not gossip or sow discord, but learn to work together and help create an atmosphere for growth and expression.  In this way, we will truly let our “light” shine before others; creating a beacon of hope and love that others will see our good works and glorify our Father who is Heaven.

We will continue to look at empowering topics that help us become strong, spiritual warriors. “Women of God, ARISE!!!”

We  meet on the first Saturday of the month: We have a light snack fellowship from 9:30-9:50 and the meeting begins at 10 O’Clock. We do offer child care during these meetings. All are welcome, come expecting to receive God’s love through these remarkable women. God’s love through Fathers House Church International women will truly reach to the depth of your desire to grow intimately and grow spiritually in your walk with Jesus!!